This video shows some of the tools that I currently use to teach Hebrew to my private tutoring students. We have a lot of fun together!
I have also done a lot of Jewish arts-and-crafting with a variety of students and young assistants. Some of that is shared in the images below. (Click on the thumbnails to see the full images.)
Banners for Sukkot (felt and ribbon)
Sukkot banner flags drying before they can be attached to ribbons.
Sukkot banner flags drying before they can be attached to ribbons.
Finished Sukkot banner, waiting to be hung!
Finished Sukkot banner, waiting to be hung!
Sukkot banner flags drying before they can be attached to ribbons.
Sukkot banner in action!
Sukkot banner in action!
Sukkot banner in action!
Close-up of Sukkot banner in action!
Sukkot banner in action!
Other Sukkot Decorations
Created in collaboration with a 21-month-old.
Masking tape relief + finger painting, created in collaboration with a 21-month-old.
Masking tape relief + finger painting, created in collaboration with a 21-month-old.
Simchat Torah flag
A sample flag I created for a Simchat Torah flag-making workshop I ran for a room full of kids in 2015.
A sample flag I created for a Simchat Torah flag-making workshop I ran for a room full of kids in 2015.
A sample flag I created for a Simchat Torah flag-making workshop I ran for a room full of kids in 2015.
Pesach Puppets and Masks
Miriam puppet.
Moshe puppet.
Pharaoh puppet.
Bat-Pharaoh puppet, carrying a baby Moshe.
Frog puppet. (From the plague.)
“Mommy” puppet–she, too, left Egypt!
Spiderman puppet. He, too, was apparently part of the Exodus.
The puppets gather and await the reenactment of the Exodus.
Little mini-popsicle stick puppets: the Israelites.